WinShape Totem Pole *In Stock Item*7' totem with eagle, white feather w/ black tip, bear, deer, bass, trees. (Ships within 2 weeks).
10' 8 Figure Totem Pole10' 8 figure totem.
Tiki5' Tiki totem pole.
7' Camp WinShape 2 Totem 7' totem done in Camp WinShape 2 style.
10' Tiki10' Tiki totem pole.
4 Figure Western Pole7' Western Stylized Totem Pole. (***Free Shipping on this item only***)
NW Mask Totem Pole7' Totem with 5 masks from the Northwest.
Thunderbird and Wolf8' Thunderbird and Wolf Totem. Done in Pacific Northwest Coast native style.
Thunderbird and Wolf4' Thunderbird and Wolf Totem. Done in Pacific Northwest Coast native style (***Free Shipping on this item only***)
TikiTiki totem pole.